Krok 1 – 2020(Oct 30) (General Medicine)


#1. A 5-year-old kindergartener has diphtheria. To find the carriers of this disease among the kindergarten staff, samples of pharyngeal mucus were obtained from the employees. One of the employees had gram-positive bacilli in her sample. They were situated at an angle to each other and colored unevenly, when stained according to Loeffler. What method can confirm that this carrier is dangerous to the other people?

#2. A patient with inherited immunodeficiency underwent gene therapy: the gene of an enzyme was introduced into the patient’s cells using a retrovirus. Whist characteristic of the genetic code allows using retroviruses as vectors of functional genes?

#3. A 2-year-old child was diagnosed with thymic hypoplasia. What indicator of the immune system status is the most characteristic of this type of immunodeficiency?

#4. A victim of a traffic accident suffered damage to one hall of the spinal cord and developed Brown-Sequard syndromic. What causes motor function disturbance on the damaged side below the site of trauma

#5. A patient with heart failure developed edema. What is the main pathogenetic link of edema development in this case?

#6. A 6-year-old child had acute onset of the disease that started catarrhal nasopharyngitis,2 days later the patient died. Autopsy of the body shows markedly plethoric and swollen pia mater that is soaked with thick turbid yellow – green fluid .The brain is swollen, the cerebellar tonsils are enlarged ,and there is a clearly visible ligature mark on the brain .The described changes are the characteristics of :

#7. A patient with neurodermatitis was taking prednisolone for a long time. Examination revealed high blood glucose. This complication occurs, when glucocorticosteroids affect a certain stage of carbohydrate metabolism. What stage of carbohydrate metabolism is affected?

#8. Various physical and physio-chemical methods are used in research of blood serum proteins. ln particular, serum albumins and globulins can be separated using the following method:

#9. A patient has severe peripheral edema. Consecutive administration of dichlothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide), etacrynic acid, and furosemide did not have any significant diuretic effect. In the blood there is significant increase of aldosterone levels. What is the drug of choice in this case?

#10. For the third spring in a row. when poplars start to bloom, a 20-year-old student develops itching and hyperemia in her eyes and nose, rhinorrhea, cough, and urticaria on the exposed areas of her skin Examination detected a sharp increase in IgE levels. The allergologist prescribed her a special hyposensitization therapy How is this kind of treatment administered?