
#1. A female is on her ATT therapy, which of the following ATT drug can cause ocular side effect of optic neuritis

#2. A 22-week pregnant female comes for MTP on ground of contraceptive failure. When this MTP can be done ?

#3. A 40 year old male is having a pet dog in his house. He presented to the hospital with pain in right upper abdomen. On evaluation, loculated collection was found in the liver. Which of the following is likely organism implicated in this pathology?

#4. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia -1 syndrome is associated with of the following ?

#5. Which of the following anti diabetic agent increases loss of glucose in urine along with fluid removal :

#6. A patient of tuberculosis , is started on HRZE and underwent CBNAAT, the investigation will show which of the following ?

#7. A 2 month old pregnant female presents with swelling in legs and diagnosed with Deep vein thrombosis, she require anti coagulation. Which of the following is Preferred drug in her ?

#8. On examination to identify dried and old seminal fluid on a undergarment , which test is best test to be used?

#9. which of the following statement is correct about NF-1

#10. As per MTP act 2021, which of the following is a punishable offence

#11. A Patient presented with history of acute rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis, Examination shows the presence of gram positive cocci in chains , the causative agent responsible will be ?

#12. Which of the following drug is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy?

#13. Which of the following is the site of action of Thiazide diuretics:

#14. A alcoholic patient on therapy for certain illness developed flushing hypotension, nausea and vomiting. What is the diagnosis:

#15. During measurement of barrel of a rifled firearm weapon caliber depends on which of the following

#16. A 30-year-old lady has unilateral ptosis and exhibits worsening of symptoms by evening. She was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. What is the drug of choice for this case?

#17. A patient of Beta thalassemia is started with blood transfusion , after starting the transfusion the patient is complaining of fever , anxiety and features of hypotension , what is the next best step ?

#18. Which of the following is drug of choice for treatment of Echinococcus granulosus?

#19. A woman was raped 2 years back. The accused has to be given death sentence, Who can give death sentence for such cases ?

#20. A Patient presented with fatigue, lethargy, pallor, On evaluation HB- 5.6, biochemical analysis shows raised indirect bilirubin. complains of right index finger pain. Diagnosis is

#21. A Patient with history of HIV is started on Anti Retro-viral Therapy with Lamivudine 300 mg, Tenofovir 150mg Dolutegravir 50 once daily at night. After few weeks of starting he was diagnosed with TB and was started on Anti- tubercular therapy . Which of the following dose adjustment will be required considering the new additional findings:

#22. A patient presented with formation of bulla’s , on gram staining it shows the presence of capsulated gram positive diplococci , Which one of the following organism is responsible ?

#23. Which of the following is used as a diagnostic test for CML ?

#24. ABO incompatibility not occurring in pregnancy due to which antibody?

#25. A farmer comes to hospital with snakebite over dorsum of right foot. The patient was stable ,the Doctor treating the patient noted two fang marks on the dorsum of right foot with mild pain , swelling and bleeding at bite site. What will be the immediate first step of management

#26. NETSs include all of the following except:

#27. Which of the following adverse effect is least likely to be associated with the use of amiodarone?

#28. A patient was on anti tubercular drug Bedaquiline. Which of the following ECG changes will be seen: –

#29. An A 40-year-old obese female presented with Schizophrenia. Which of the following antipsychotic drug causes least weight gain?

#30. The police found some bone in open space. How will you differentiate between human and animal bone ?

#31. Control used for ethylene oxide sterilisation is ?

#32. In case of autopsy of a alcohol abuse ,how will u presence the sample of blood in this case?

#33. A 7-year-old child presents with history of generalised tonic clonic seizures What will be the treatment:

#34. A farmer presents with a lesion in his shoulder , the histopathology of the lesion shows the following appearance , What will be the diagnosis ?

#35. A 22-year-old mentally ill pregnant female is brought for MTP. Consent in this case is to be taken from whom ?

#36. A Patient presented with fatigue, pallor. investigations shows hb-5.8gm/dl, low ferritin, high TIBC, low MCV, high RDW. Diagnosis is ?

#37. A hypertensive Female patient presented with skin hyperpigmentation, On evaluation High ACTH levels even after giving high dose of dexamethasone. Diagnosis is ?

#38. Reservoir for Kala azar is ?

#39. A 53-year-old post menopausal lady presents with breast cancer. What will be the drug of choice for this patient

#40. Sample taken for diagnosis of infective endocarditis

#41. Increased secretion with diarrhea is noted in which poisoning

#42. Which of the following can result in acute liver failure?

#43. Patient with CHF was on thiazide diuretics and now presents with fatigue and hypokalemia. Which of the following agent inhibits loss of potassium:

#44. Which of the following is the drug of choice for glaucoma in adults ?

#45. When A drug has bioavailability 30%. What does it mean:

#46. Reiter syndrome is associated with

#47. A female presented with curdy white discharge on examination gram positive buddings yeasts are seen , the organism responsible is ?

#48. Sequence of wound healing ?

#49. In air blast which organ is most commonly affected due to shockwave ?

#50. A pregnant female who is a known case of bronchial asthma presented to hospital with blood pressure of 210/110 mm Hg. Which of the following is the preferred drug for this patient?

#51. A 2 month pregnant female presented with P. Vivax Malaria. Preferred drug used for the treatment in this case is :

#52. How will you preserve a blood-stained handkerchief recovered from crime scene

#53. A 45-year-old HIV-positive patient presents with persistent headaches, confusion, and a gradual onset of fever. A lumbar puncture is performed, revealing an elevated opening pressure and a cerebrospinal fluid analysis showing a positive India ink stain. What is the most likely diagnosis?

#54. A 14-year-old boy from kerala presents with fever, headache, and drowsiness. His family reports that he had consume palm fruit recently. Considering the geographic location and exposure history, which virus should be considered in the differential diagnosis?

#55. A male Patient presented with infertility history of recurrent sinusitis and pulmonary infection , bronchiectasis and situs inversus. Identify the condition associated with these features
